This book has some of the most “truth per page” of any book I’ve ever read. It's also absolutely not for everybody, in the same way that not everyone is built to compete and win at the highest levels of sports and business.
The reality is that most people just do not have what it takes to succeed at the highest level, and the people who do make it are the ones who have internalized Tim Grover's message in this book. He reminds us - through his words and example - exactly why he is one of the world’s most sought-after mindset experts.
Grover is an elite performance coach with over three decades of experience training the likes of Michael Jordan (who was actually his first client ever), Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and hundreds of other world champion and Olympic athletes. That's 30+ years of being surrounded by winners - never missing a practice or a game - and refining his approach to the point where it can be delivered at your feet in the form of this truth-studded book.
"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing," said Kobe Bryant, one of the all-time greats, and here in Winning, Tim Grover distills everything he knows about winning and lays out 13 key principles for achieving unbeatable performance.
In the Key Ideas section below, we're going to talk about...
*How winning makes you different, and why that scares people
*The four qualities that all winners possess (if you're missing even one of these qualities, your odds of winning go down exponentially)
*Why your results will explain everything
*The "pain period" and why it is that winners seek out challenges and seemingly impossible tests of fortitude
*Why your mind has to be stronger than your feelings
*A key resource you own that's even more important to manage than time
*And a lot more...
Like I said in the beginning: winning - and this book - is not for everyone, and that's totally okay. Tim Grover isn't saying that winning is "morally superior" to simply playing and having fun or anything like that. You don't have to "win" to be a person worthy of dignity and honor.
However, and this is a big "however," if you think that winning is what you want; if you think that you have what it takes to win; if you think that you're capable of doing everything that winning will demand of you, this book will either disillusion and discourage you, or it will give you the tools that are going to be indispensable to your future success. Like, indispensable. I honestly can’t imagine anyone who’s ever won anything being unfamiliar with the principles laid out in this book. This isn’t just a “nice to read” book, but absolutely essential reading for anyone who’s truly serious about winning.
There's no "formula" here, no "Ten Simple Steps to Winning," only the unglamorous, unvarnished truth about what separates champions from everyone else. There's no "motivation" here, either. No paltry "You can do it!" platitudes. If you have to ask, "How do I stay motivated?" ...You don't have it.
Within these pages are stories and borrowed mindsets from athletes and professionals that demand more from themselves than anyone else could ever reasonably expect from them. Grover himself, over the course of his career, had to sacrifice, had to step up and advance to their level so that they could reach even higher heights together.
One story he tells in the book is about when, after packing for another late flight across the country to get to the practice court in time to train one of his elite athletes, his young daughter stopped him at the door and asked him why he had to leave again. Couldn't he stay home just this once?
He explained to her that he had to go, to be able to put food on the table. But it was also because he had made a commitment, a promise, to his athletes that he would put in the exact same amount of effort that he was asking them to put in - and he would never allow himself to go back on a promise that he made. His daughter then asked him, "If I eat less, do you still have to go?"
What would most people have done? What would you have done?
Tim Grover was on that flight, as scheduled, and made it to the practice in time because he was living exactly according to what he said he believed. He was setting an example that his daughter would remember for the rest of her life: when you make a commitment, you honor it, no matter what. She would get to see him when he got back, and she would get to see self-discipline, loyalty, and dignity in action - a living example that would be with her when her father was not.
It was the athletes who didn't really understand winning that would chafe at being asked to make a 3:30 am workout. They would be all enthusiastic about the idea of winning, but when confronted with the reality of what it took to get there, suddenly they had somewhere else to be at 3:30 am, something better to do apparently.
Grover has said that he's returned more money than he's ever kept. There was a Zero Tolerance policy towards laziness, sloth, and half-hearted effort. He had no problem saying to his assistant, "Go to my office, get my checkbook, give this guy his money back; he's done."
When all is said and done (and more is usually said than done), many more people talk about winning than are actually serious about winning. There has to be more driving you than money or recognition or anything external that the world can give you that will make you get back up after one of Mike Tyson's best punches beats you to the canvas, or when Kobe's Achilles tendon snapped and he still had two free throws to make. There has to be something else.
I'm going to break down this phenomenal book and give you a glimpse of the "something else" of which Grover speaks. Through it all, the most important takeaway, I feel, is that you can never, ever lie to yourself, or be false to yourself in any way. If you don't think you can make the sort of commitment that winning requires, then don't. Play the game, have fun, enjoy yourself, but leave the rarified air of champions to be inhabited by others.
It's a tough message, but Tim Grover is perfectly suited to deliver it, having been at the forefront of winning for over 30 years, and witnessing that same tired excuse coming up again and again for why some athlete was giving up and going home: "It's just too hard."
Winning has a personality almost, something like the Resistance that Steven Pressfield talks about. Grover's been speaking Winning's language for more than three decades, and he knows that everything you want is on the other side of whatever you're willing to do to get there.

Key Ideas:
#1: Let's start with what Tim Grover believes are the key ideas in his book (hey, I mean he wrote it, so I guess that's his prerogative), and then move on to a few extremely important ideas that most book summaries are likely to just gloss over.
Grover lists 13 equally important concepts that define winners and winning, and in the book, he lists them all as #1, because if you're missing even one, your odds of winning go down exponentially.
They are...
WINNING makes you different, and different scares people.
WINNING wages war on the battlefield in your mind.
WINNING is the ultimate gamble on yourself.
WINNING isn’t heartless, but you’ll use your heart less.
WINNING belongs to them, and it’s your job to take it.
WINNING wants all of you; there is no balance.
WINNING is selfish.
WINNING takes you through hell. And if you quit, that’s where you’ll stay.
WINNING is a test with no correct answers.
WINNING knows all your secrets.
WINNING never lies.
WINNING is not a marathon, it’s a sprint with no finish line.
WINNING is everything.
#2: Tim Grover also lays out what he calls the Four Circles of Winning. The idea here is that, along with the 13 concepts above, there are also 4 qualities that all great winners have in common. Many people have just the first 1-2, and a fewer number of people have all 3, but a very, very select few have all 4 qualities firing at once, and those are the competitors that actually make it.
Everyone who wins anything has at least a little bit of Talent. That’s the first circle, and talent is relatively common. Most people start out with at least a little bit of talent, and what they do start out with can be developed over a long enough period of time.
The next circle is Intelligence, and though that’s common as well, fewer people have both Talent and Intelligence together. Plenty of people have talent but no intelligence, and plenty more are highly intelligent but don't possess any talent.
The third circle is Competitiveness, and that narrows down the field even more considerably. Even if you have talent and intelligence, if you're not constantly gunning for First Place, you will get beat...every time...by the people who do have both talent and intelligence, and who are also insanely competitive. That's just How. It. Is.
The fourth and final circle is Resilience, and the people who win – consistently – are those who just simply refuse to stay down. They're the people who will make 100 YouTube videos in a row that get just a dozen views, yet who will get up, get better, do what they can to improve, and make that 101st video.
Even the great filmmakers who come up with fascinating ideas and who love competing will lose - every time - to the person with those same qualities who gets up after each setback.
#3: Lots of people say that they will do “anything” to win, but when “anything” actually comes, they back down and won’t do it. Grover tells the typical story of countless athletes who wanted to work with him over the years, but when he would tell them that their next workout was scheduled for 3:30 am, suddenly they didn't want to work with him anymore. They'd go find another trainer who would tell them that it's okay to skip a scheduled workout here and there, and that they could still find "balance" in their lives.
#4: Winning is unbalanced. That's the 6th (1st) concept above. Winning wants all of you, and if you're really serious about competing at the highest levels, you can forget about "vacations" and "holidays" and "hanging out" with your friends.
This makes you different, of course, and different scares people, like Tim says. People won't understand why you can't join them for a movie on the weekend, and they'll try to tell you that your "unbalanced" life isn't healthy. And it isn't! But balance kills winners.
So no, you can't be "normal" if you want to win at the highest levels. You have to give up a few things, sacrifice, go without. Being unbalanced is painful, no doubt, but so is losing.
#5: Your results have to justify your actions. This is especially true if you're sacrificing on behalf of your family and depriving them of your presence more than they would like. You can't tell the people you love that you won't be there because you're striving after some big goal...and then not do the work to accomplish that goal. That's completely unfair to everyone who's ever loved you and supported you.
You're asking your family to sacrifice as well - they want you around more! So if you say "No, I have to go out and do this thing," then you'd better damn well do it, and you'd better damn well win.
Again, they're likely going to pull you more towards balance, but you can't follow them there if you're actually serious about winning. Winning is the ultimate gamble on yourself, and you have to go All In.
But hey, maybe you're not actually serious about winning. Maybe you're only playing with the notion of winning, and maybe you're not going to be able to sustain the pace of hard work over a long period of time. You had a great month? Good for you. See you in thirty days.
#6: Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings. Feelings and motivation come and go with how you "feel." As such, they can NEVER be relied upon by the individual who's dedicated themselves to winning.
Your feelings are going to try to guide your thinking, to guide you to rationalize away your competitive instincts and hunger and drive, but you cannot let them. You have to override them. You have to treat your feelings like "suggestions" and not as indisputable facts.
Winning takes place almost entirely within the mind, and you have to win inside there before you ever have a hope of winning anywhere else. So, naturally, your mind is where you need to place the majority of your focus and effort.
David Goggins has an excellent term for this training, which he calls "callusing the mind." You strengthen the mind by putting it through some shit; you strengthen the mind by challenging it - yourself - and committing yourself to come out the other side stronger, more resilient, more powerful - a winner.
#7: What have you gone through to get where you are? How have you challenged yourself to get stronger? Building on the last key idea, what sort of mental training have you done to make yourself stronger - to callus the mind - and how is that going to help you take on bigger and bolder challenges out there in the world?
When it comes to winning, the only way "out" is "through." There is no other way, and if you're looking for an easy way - an easy way to do something that's supposed to be hard - you're just not going to make it.
In bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about what he called the "pain period." Basically, your muscles don't get stronger unless they're challenged (see above), and if you don't apply a training load that's above what your muscles are used to handling, then they won't grow or get stronger.
Well, that very same idea applies to all aspects of life! It especially applies to winning! Winners have all gone through something that has separated them from their competition, and that has brought them face to face with the "pain period." Upon encountering the pain period, winners always choose to go forward.
#8: Tim Grover says that winning is a sprint with no finish line. That means that it's "go, go, go," and that we're wasting daylight just standing there. The competition today is tougher than it ever has been before, and so we have to be tougher than we ever have been before.
But another aspect of that idea of winning being a sprint is that winning must be earned every day. We can never "settle" into winning, we can never "own" winning, we can only "rent" winning.
The day that we ease up and tell ourselves that we've made it and that we deserve a rest - "maybe you shouldn't work so hard, take a day off, you've earned it" - that's when Winning deserts us and finds someone else.
#9: “It’s only one game…until you miss the playoffs by only one game.”
How often have you heard that? That it's okay, because it's "only one game," or "there's always next time," or some other nonsense. No. There's only today, this game, this workout, this project, and today means EVERYTHING.
#10: Instead of trying to manage your time, manage your focus instead. That way, your time will naturally take care of itself. What Grover means by this is that time is inherently unmanageable; it's always slipping away from us, and if we lose an hour in the morning, we'll be chasing it all day.
Far better to emphasize focus, and do what we can to manage our energy levels and attentiveness, so we can maximize the time that we do have.
By all means, keep a schedule, list your MITs for the day (Most Important Tasks), and do all that other productivity-nerd stuff (I do that stuff myself). But if you're not sleeping, you're not drinking your water, not watching your sugar intake, etc., then you're going to waste a lot of the limited time you've been able to "manage."
#11: “Sure, you can control your competitive urges, but why should you have to?”
Winning makes you different, and different scares people. Being hyper-competitive isn't "normal" for most people, and so they won't understand it.
They'll try to tone you down, blunt your edge, dowse your fire, and make you just like them. But if you're reading this, and you see inside yourself that you are a Competitor, that you have to just go for it or regret it for the rest of your life, then you can never, EVER let them tell you how competitive you should be.
Too many winners let themselves be dragged back down to the level of the crowd because they fear the social consequences of giving in to their true natures. Instead, you should fear the consequences of letting your competitive fire die within you before ever reaching its fullest expression.
#12: “We win all the time, but we don’t even recognize it.”
There's very little "motivation" in Tim Grover's book, and for good reason. It's not his style to congratulate people for doing what they should be doing anyway; he's one of the world's foremost experts on developing mental toughness and skill - he's not a cheerleader or a babysitter.
That being said, even he recognizes that we too often don't give ourselves credit for how much we're already winning in our own lives. Life is extraordinarily difficult, and people lead hard lives - no matter who they are, Life will eventually serve up hard times that will test them.
We easily recognize the challenges, but we're too quick to pass over our accomplishments, our achievements, what we're doing right. It's a basic tenet of behavioral design that you should praise what you want more of, so it stands to reason that recognizing and appreciating our wins means that we're helping ourselves recognize what winning is, so we can return to that place later.
So there's a fine line between the empty, meaningless "You can do it!" motivation that Grover can't stand, and giving ourselves credit where credit is due. If you're doing something right - and all of us are, at least sometimes - you need to recognize that fact, praise that part of yourself, and by doing so make that behavior more likely to occur in the future.

Book Notes:
“Every moment, you have the opportunity to win.”
“All day, every day, your mental battlefield is attacked by blasts of adrenaline and anger and fear and anxiety, and other explosives too. Stress. Insecurity. Doubt. Envy. Sometimes it’s a stranger who puts them there. Sometimes it’s someone close to you. Sometimes it’s you. Most of the time, it’s you.”
"I never lost a game. I just ran out of time."
-Michael Jordan
“Rest at the end, not in the middle.”
-Kobe Bryant
“Winning doesn’t sleep, and doesn’t understand why you do.”
“You have been chosen. Not by others, but by yourself.”
“What is winning?”
"What is winning?”
“Winning is not a marathon; it’s a sprint with no finish line.”
"Your mind is your area to dominate, and if you don’t dominate it, someone else will."
“If you think the price is too high, wait until you see the bill for doing nothing.”
“Most people push that away, because they don’t want to be judged. Winners don’t care. They judge themselves, and live with the verdict. Think about how much energy and time go into trying to be someone or something you’re not. How much further along would you be if you put that same effort into being yourself?”
“Because if you’re comfortable with sacrifice and pressure and criticism and pain, if you can learn to focus on the result instead of always focusing on the difficulty… you can chase Winning, fight for it, and defend your right to catch it.”
“No matter how long you’ve battled to become a winner, it takes one split second to become a loser.”
“Winning ignites a self-conscious awareness that others are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the radar when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. You can mess up and be rough and get dirty because no one even knows you’re there. But as soon as you start to win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly aware that you’re being observed. You’re being judged. You worry that others will discover your flaws and weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality.”
“Manage your focus, and your time will be well spent. Don’t try to manage time.”
“Rome wasn’t built in a day. No, it was built every day for thousands of days in a row.”
“The biggest mistake in life is thinking we have time.”
“Control your thoughts, and you control your emotions. Control your emotions, and you control your actions. Control your actions, and you control the outcome.”
“The high of winning is so strong that you can only get it from the black market in your head.”
“No matter how intense and competitive and driven you may be, don’t shut out the opportunity to be in the moment, to embrace what you have, and hold on to it for as long as you can. Take time in your life for true fun and happiness and joy and laughter, wherever you can find it. It doesn’t make you weak to enjoy your life and appreciate the things that give you satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.”
“In each new moment, we have the power to shape all subsequent moments.”

Important Insights from Related Books:

Relentless, by Tim Grover:
“Being relentless means demanding more of yourself than anyone else could ever demand of you, knowing that every time you stop, you can still do more. You must do more.”
“The drive to close the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between great and unstoppable.”
“I’m not telling you to love it. I’m telling you to crave the result so intensely that the work is irrelevant.”
This Book on Amazon: Relentless, by Tim Grover

Wooden on Leadership, by John Wooden and Steve Jamison:
“To my way of thinking, when you give your total effort - everything you have - the score can never make you a loser. And when you do less, it can’t somehow magically turn you into a winner.”
“There are no big things, only a logical accumulation of little things done at a very high standard of performance.”
Seek your own personal greatness and not that of someone else. Everything that you do offers you an opportunity to seek personal greatness – a version of success that you’ve defined for yourself and won’t let go.
This Book on Amazon: Wooden on Leadership, by John Wooden and Steve Jamison

Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron:
“He’s the kind of competitor who sees a gap between where he is, and where he needs to be, and takes immediate and unrelenting steps to close it.”
The more uncomfortable your competitors are, the better it is for you. This is because you can handle the discomfort and the pain, and they won’t be able to. So if they’re uncomfortable, you’re probably going to win.
“The things we couldn’t control got erased from our minds, and the things that could got a plan.”
This Book on Amazon: Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron

The 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone:
“What if the only thing standing in the way of your greatness was that you just had to go after everything obsessively, persistently, and as though your life depended on it?”
“I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn't get the life you wanted.”
“Never set realistic goals; you can get a realistic life without setting goals for it.”
This Book on Amazon: The 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone

The View from the Opposition:
No one's ideas are beyond questioning. In this section, I argue the case for the opposition and raise some points that you might wish to evaluate for yourself while reading this book.
#1: You get to decide how important Winning is.
To his credit, Tim Grover doesn't decide the intrinsic worth of a person simply based on how many trophies adorn their shelves. He's not saying that everyone has to become a winner, or that everyone who's not a winner is, by default, a loser. You can also be a non-participant, a spectator - and that's perfectly fine.
Winning isn't actually everything, at least if your name doesn't start with a "K" and end in "-obe Bryant." You get to decide how important winning is, but - and this is important - if you say that winning is important to you, you'd better be prepared to prove it with your actions.
But don't let anyone tell you that just because you don't feel the same competitive fire you're not an infinitely valuable individual, a human being deserving of basic dignity and unconditional positive regard.
#2: Ditch the negative motivation.
I've never been a fan of "I'll prove them all wrong!" motivation, and "Just wait until I show them!" hype. Here Tim Grover would most certainly defend people like Michael Jordan for whom this type of motivation fueled a vast majority of their success, but to me, it just seems almost...petty, you know?
Michael Jordan was a tremendous athlete, full of amazing talent and fire, and I just can't really share his bitterness. Yeah, I know the story of him getting cut from his old basketball team and everything, but I think that instead of "proving them wrong," it's much more powerful to "prove yourself right."
Show yourself that you can do it. Better yet, push back against any and all personal limitations you may feel and find out what you can do and how far you can go.
Some people will say (and maybe they're right) that negative motivation made Michael Jordan the dominating player that he was, but I would have loved to have seen him pour that same energy into finding out how great he could truly be. I'm not entirely convinced that that's the same thing.
#3: You can go too far.
Steroids are an absolute necessity today if you want to compete at the highest levels in certain sports. I would even say most sports. That's not a judgment or anything, that's just the reality.
There's no natural bodybuilder that's ever going to win the Mr. Olympia, and I don't think that's what people want either. They want to see some 300lbs monster shake the stage and flash his 24" arms for the lights and the cameras. And that's cool, as far as it goes.
I don't have anything against steroid use personally, but it's another thing entirely when it's this secret, not-talked-about thing that everyone does but no one will admit to for fear of losing their sponsorships or endorsement deals. It's even worse when "influencers" tell impressionable kids on social media that their muscle gains are due to some secret goat-nut-milk extract from the mountains of Who-Knows-Where, instead of the truth, which is that they found their gains at the end of a syringe.
All I'm saying is that you have to enter that world with both eyes open and set rigid personal boundaries around what you will and will not do to achieve success. Will you lie, cheat, steal, inject yourself with all manner of banned substances just to give yourself an edge? Is winning worth all that much to you?
I'm not here to shame people for taking steroids - or cheating in any other way. And I didn't even scratch the surface of all the ridiculous lengths people go to in order to win. Those are all decisions that you're going to have to navigate for yourself when you're deciding how much winning matters to you.
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Action Steps:
So you've finished reading the book. What do you do now?
#1: Release your competitive instincts.
Remember, winning makes you different, and different scares people. Many people are going to be threatened when you start to dip into your competitive nature and start to draw it out more fully, but you can't let that hold you back. You've been held back your whole life. Is that the way you're going to die too?
If you know in your heart that you have what it takes to win, and you feel an irrepressible, unconquerable urge to give yourself over entirely to winning, then do it. Just do it. Open the floodgates, and don't let anyone ever fucking tell you that you're "too competitive," or that "it's only one game." It's only one game until you miss the playoffs by only one game.
#2: Investigate the Four Circles of Winning
Above, we talked about the Four Circles of Winning, and how people who compete and win at the highest levels must be strong in all four circles. They are: talent, intelligence, competitiveness, and resilience. So it's a worthwhile exercise to critically evaluate yourself in all four of those areas and see where, if anywhere, you come up short.
If you're resilient as hell, have a competitive fire that no one can control, and you're reasonably intelligent, but you're making careless technical mistakes on the field or elsewhere, double down on developing your talent. Basically, anywhere you're weak in those four areas, you want to get in there and remove that source of weakness.
#3: Reject balance.
You're going to have to give up things in order to win. "Work-life balance" doesn't exist for winners, and your life isn't going to make a whole lot of sense to some people. One of the many things you're going to have to give up is this idea that your life can be perfectly balanced between being a champion athlete or businessperson, and being home in time for dinner every night.
Sometimes you're just not going to be able to make it, and your support system has to be okay with that. Be honest with the people you're closest to in life about what kind of demands you're placing upon yourself in pursuit of this dream of yours, and keep your word to them forever afterward.
If you're putting in the 100-hour weeks it sometimes takes to be the best, you're not going to be able to keep every single plate spinning, and the sooner you come to terms with that the better it'll be for everyone involved.
#4: Callus the mind.
You want to seek out challenges that are going to call upon the highest parts of yourself, and in doing so, you'll be preparing yourself to take on even bigger and bolder challenges in the future. Basically, you want to make training and preparation so intense that the competition itself seems light in comparison.
David Goggins calls this "callusing the mind," where you build up a tolerance toward doing challenging shit, and you build up your resilience over time, gradually eliminating your weaknesses and excuses.
If you don't prepare for it in training, it's not going to magically be there when you really need it, so you need to be callusing your mind in advance, inoculating yourself against weakness, fatigue, and failure.
#5: Expose your pointless habits.
Tim Grover makes a point to learn every single thing he can about the athletes he works with, especially what he calls "pointless habits," which means basically anything that's going to be a distraction from winning.
You know what these habits are. Eliminate them. They are, by definition, pointless, and they're not taking you where you want to go. So you have to decide what's more important: Your favorite show? Mindless Instagram scrolling? Or success?
#6: Delineate your personal boundaries.
Decide in advance, before you get tangled up in the process, what you are and are not willing to do in order to win. This is so incredibly helpful to hammer out in advance because you will have a ready-made list of personal principles that will help guide your decisions at the time when you have all these other people trying to influence you and get you to cheat and connive your way to the top.
Will you bribe officials? Will you take performance-enhancing drugs? Will you sabotage another player's equipment? Are you willing to sacrifice your closest relationships for the sake of a championship? Are you going to be at your daughter's basketball game if it means missing a critical business meeting?
Right or wrong answers here are difficult to give in advance. But these are the kinds of opportunities and pitfalls that will be presented to you as you ascend higher and higher, and you need to decide well ahead of time where you stand.
#7: Recognize and appreciate your small wins.
Too often, we place success so far away that it seems unattainable, but the reality is that we're always racking up small wins, every single day, and it's so incredibly important to remember that.
Thousands of years ago, Socrates said that to get wherever you're going, just make sure that every step is in that direction. "Winning" is an event, but everything you do to get there is a process - a step - and if you praise yourself for taking the correct steps, you're going to make it much more likely that you'll keep on taking those steps in the future.
You can't win all at once, you can only win small advances at a time. That being said, no advance is too small that you can't praise yourself for taking it. The key is to not stop. Recognize and appreciate your small wins, congratulate yourself for taking the steps, and then keep getting after it.

About the Author:
Tim founded ATTACK Athletics, Inc. in 1989 and since that time, he has worked with hundreds of NFL, MLB, NBA, and Olympic athletes including Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He is also the best-selling author of Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable, Jump Attack, and his newest book, Winning.
Widely considered the preeminent authority on the science and art of physical and mental dominance, Tim is a highly sought-after keynote speaker around the world and a consultant to top business leaders, athletes, and elite achievers in every area.
Additional Resources:
The Mindset of Winning - PBD Podcast w/Tim Grover
The Mindset of a Winner - Kobe Bryant Interview
This Book on Amazon:
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Wooden on Leadership, by John Wooden and Steve Jamison
Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron
The 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone
Be Obsessed or Be Average, by Grant Cardone
Can't Hurt Me, by David Goggins
Extreme Ownership, by Jocko Willinck
12 Rules for Life, by Jordan Peterson